Lori A. Gross, CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist is now

Occupational Therapy

Kids Occupational Therapy
Does your child struggle with fine and gross motor skills that affects his or her handwriting, pace in school, or participation in physical education and sports?

Is your child sensitive to sounds, textures, bright light, a picky eater, averse to changes in routines, have trouble building relationships; so much that it affects his or her ability to function in everyday life?

Occupational Therapy at Thera+Kids employs a holistic approach to address your child’s individual, unique needs. After assessing your child, we will carefully customize a plan of care to help him or her build upon necessary skills while also improving self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Sensory Integration

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition in which the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information that comes from the senses. Sensory integration therapy works by exposing the child to sensory stimulation in a structured, repetitive way to help reduce these sensitivities. The process of sensory integration also helps to build self-efficacy and esteem and helps improve overall function in the child’s occupations such as the classroom or home.

Fine motor coordination

Fine motor skills recruit the smallest, “intrinsic” muscles in our hands. If your child struggles with tasks like writing, drawing, retrieving small objects, and using scissors, he or she may benefit from fine motor skills training and intrinsic hand strengthening. OT uses fun activities and incorporates adaptations to help build upon these skills.

Visual Motor Integration/Handwriting

Visual motor integration is the coordination of visual perceptual abilities and fine motor control. It is a skill that allows us to use our eyes and our hands in a coordinated and efficient way, and together they are important for pre-handwriting and handwriting skills. OT incorporates fun activities to help build upon these skills that are the foundation for handwriting.

Activities of Daily Living

ADL’s are the activities that allow us to care for ourselves throughout the day that include grooming, dressing, bathing, and meal preparation. Children with deficits with sequencing, problem-solving, executive planning, strength, and ROM may struggle with these activities. OT’s use chaining activities, picture scheduling, and other specialized interventions to help children to become more independent with these tasks.

Therapeutic Art Intervention

Guidance in using art techniques as an expressive medium to calm anxiety, reduce social withdrawal, diffuse anger, and develop fine motor skills.

Kids Occupational Therapy

Does your child struggle with fine and gross motor skills that affects his or her handwriting, pace in school, or participation in physical education and sports?

Is your child sensitive to sounds, textures, bright light, a picky eater, averse to changes in routines, have trouble building relationships; so much that it affects his or her ability to function in everyday life?

Occupational Therapy at Thera+Kids employs a holistic approach to address your child’s individual, unique needs. After assessing your child, we will carefully customize a plan of care to help him or her build upon necessary skills while also improving self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Sensory Integration

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition in which the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information that comes from the senses. Sensory integration therapy works by exposing the child to sensory stimulation in a structured, repetitive way to help reduce these sensitivities. The process of sensory integration also helps to build self-efficacy and esteem and helps improve overall function in the child’s occupations such as the classroom or home.

Fine motor coordination

Fine motor skills recruit the smallest, “intrinsic” muscles in our hands. If your child struggles with tasks like writing, drawing, retrieving small objects, and using scissors, he or she may benefit from fine motor skills training and intrinsic hand strengthening. OT uses fun activities and incorporates adaptations to help build upon these skills.

Visual Motor Integration/Handwriting

Visual motor integration is the coordination of visual perceptual abilities and fine motor control. It is a skill that allows us to use our eyes and our hands in a coordinated and efficient way, and together they are important for pre-handwriting and handwriting skills. OT incorporates fun activities to help build upon these skills that are the foundation for handwriting.

Activities of Daily Living

ADL’s are the activities that allow us to care for ourselves throughout the day that include grooming, dressing, bathing, and meal preparation. Children with deficits with sequencing, problem-solving, executive planning, strength, and ROM may struggle with these activities. OT’s use chaining activities, picture scheduling, and other specialized interventions to help children to become more independent with these tasks.

Therapeutic Art Intervention

Guidance in using art techniques as an expressive medium to calm anxiety, reduce social withdrawal, diffuse anger, and develop fine motor skills.

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